Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The concept of Camden, Louisiana

What is Camden?

Camden is a fictional suburb town situated in Louisiana, that was first introduced in the Anthology book "Call of The Void" and is the setting of most of the stories featured in it.

Why Camden?

If you search the name 'Camden' then you will mostly likely see that there is a place called Camden Town in London. However in the United States there are over a dozen places with the name Camden, but none of them are in Louisiana.
So what gives?

Well, the reason I choose the name Camden is because of an old show called 'My Name is Earl' that was aired on NBC from 2005 to 2009 which was set in a fictional town named Camden.
That show had been one of my favorite and it's cancellation had been a great tragedy, the name had really stick with me and it has a nice ring to it. That as far as the connection the show is to the book, as it is a completely different setting that is less comical and more in the realms  of cosmic horror.

Call of the Void 

Call of Thee Void was published in April of 2020 and is available on Amazon Check this link here 

While I have previously written many short stories and had earlier released a collection of short stories called ‘Realms of Insanity’, this book is different in some ways.

Why is this book not called ‘Realms of Insanity Vol 2’?

The reason behind it is simple; that was a collection of earlier published stories that were collected and formed no relation to one another.
However, this book is a brand new book with stories that are written for this collection.
I have to admit one thing since I have written these stories specifically for this book there are certain connections between them. But I encourage them to enjoy them as standalone pieces of work and consider the connections and similarities as fun little easter eggs.

How is  Camden?

So Camden, Louisiana is a suburb town of New Orleans that is home to the fictional Mark Teach University of Louisiana, and yes that is a Black Beard reference. That house various arcane and forbidden books on occult in the restricted section of its library.

Camden in an overview can be seen as a nice place to live and most of its citizen are unaware in blissful ignorance of the sinister things that takes place in this sleepy suburb town.

Many of the strangeness of the town can't be freely discussed with entering the spoiler territory, therefore I would encourage you to take a look for yourself first and discover the strange oddities that are part of Camden.

Maybe in the future we can have spoiler version in which we can do a deeper study of this town.

Would there be more of Camden?

Of course, I have fallen in love with this small town and will definitely explore of of it in future book.
But more than the town I have fallen in love with the characters that live in Camden, like:

  • Camilla Rivera
  • Oscar Singh
  • Terry and Jerry  
I would most definitely be writing more books and possibly full dedicated stories on these characters set in Camden, just don't know when. Maybe soon than later.

Readers Reaction

What do you think of the concept? Have you read 'Call of The Void'? What are your thoughts?

Do let me know.

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